Effective May 1, 2017 Mean Servers will increasing the price of WHMCS for those clients that have purchased WHMCS as an addon.

WHMCS has recently announced changes in their pricing structure, this includes doing away with discounts for hosting providers. As such, Mean Servers has no option but to pass this pricing increase onto our clients. To keep the transition as smooth as possible and to assist clients with an existing WHMCS license through Mean Servers, Mean Servers will never charge more than what WHMCS charges if you have an active service with Mean Servers. This allows you to keep your current license with Mean Servers and manage less bills by having your WHMCS through Mean Servers instead of WHMCS directly.

The following will take effect May 1, 2017

Those with a WHMCS Branded License will be moved to the WHMCS Starter license if they have less than 250 clients
Those with a WHMCS Unbranded License will be moved to WHMCS Plus if they have less than 250 clients.

Since WHMCS has switched to a billing model that is based on the number of clients you have, the cost of your license may change and you may owe Mean Servers an additional amount should you cross the thresh hold for each license type between billing cycles. Below you will find the type of licenses WHMCS now offers and what we will be charging you as a client. Again, Mean Servers will charge the same amount WHMCS charges for as long as you have an active service with Mean Servers. Although we do lose money on this due to the credit card processing fees/PayPal fees, we believe this is the most fair and transparent way for us to offer WHMCS licenses to our clients.

License Name Clients Supported Monthly Price Branding
WHMCS Starter 250 $15.95 Yes
WHMCS Plus 250 $18.95 No
WHMCS Professional 1,000 $24.95 No
WHMCS Business Unlimited $39.95 No

Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact the billing department. We are saddened that WHMCS has chosen to go this route and do away with provider discounts but unfortunately, we must pass these new costs on to our clients.

Note that the WHMCS software "phones home" with the amount of clients you have. If you purchase the wrong license type and have more clients than the license you purchased allows for, Mean Servers will automatically move you to the correct license and charge you an administrative fee of $20 for doing so. To avoid this fee, please keep an eye on your client count and upgrade your license before you cross each thresh hold. This not only helps us with managing your license, but will help save you money by avoiding the $20 administrative fee.

Mean Servers apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause our clients. We understand that anytime the price of a service increases, there is frustration but this was a decision made by WHMCS and affects all web hosts, not just Mean Servers. Mean Servers thanks you for your understanding and continued business with us.

Sabado, Abril 1, 2017

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